Commanding the horse race丨1.5766 million! Ironmaking plant cable cooling to eliminate big hidden dangers!

Reducing costs and increasing efficiency is not only a big change and transformation, but also reflected in the details of daily work, which is a reverse improvement after breaking the confinement of thinking. The companies of the group actively responded to the call of "reducing costs and increasing efficiency", vigorously promoted the work of "innovation, tapping potential, reducing consumption and improving quality", and comprehensively carried out key research activities to reduce costs and increase efficiency from management, technology, equipment and other aspects.

Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. ironmaking plant will reduce costs and increase efficiency as an important goal of equipment management, strengthen the innovation of equipment technology in the main production position, exchange technology for efficiency space, take technological transformation as an important means to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and leverage the "big lever" of cost reduction and efficiency increase with equipment "small transformation".

01Project establishment

When the blast furnace fan of the ironmaking plant is running, the temperature rise of the main cable of the motor is abnormal, reaching more than 65 °C, and the temperature of the cable tray is also above 50 °C, and the cable is in a high temperature state for a long time, which may lead to the reduction of cable insulation, affect the service life of the cable, and at the same time there are potential safety hazards, which are easy to cause cable fire or short circuit accidents, resulting in fan accident shutdown and high-voltage power supply system failure, and the risk level is at least Class A, and even affects the stable operation of other production lines.

02 Cause finding

In order to ensure the smooth progress of production and avoid emergencies, the ironmaking plant immediately set up a research team for the abnormal temperature rise of wind turbine cables headed by Peng Dingchang, director of the plant, and Wang Song, director of the information automation department, in line with the principle of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Factory director Peng Dingchang pointed out that "the equipment should be kept improving, and only continuous optimization can provide strong support for the benefit of the attack." Under the guidance of his ideology, the research team sorted out the entire fan power supply system and found that the high-voltage operation cabinet was on the third floor, the star differential cabinet was on the first floor, the cables were too long, and the cables in the bridge were not placed in layers. After the discussion and analysis of the group, it was concluded that the main reasons for the abnormal temperature rise of the cable were the cross placement of the cables, the formation of eddy currents, and the excessive length of the cables, so the research team set the temperature rise and fall of the cable below 40 °C as the goal.

03 Countermeasures

In view of the situation that the temperature rise is too high due to the long cable, the research team decided to move the star differential cabinet to the second floor, and the length of each cable after the move is reduced by 28 meters compared with the original, saving about 336 meters of cable.
In view of the situation that the cable is placed crosswise, forming eddy currents, the research team decided to re-lay the cables, place the cables in layers, and operate in strict accordance with the construction specifications and technical requirements during the laying process, and carry out the necessary tests and debugging after the laying is completed to ensure the normal operation of the cables and the elimination of eddy currents.
Through 12 hours of unremitting efforts by the members of the research team, the Xingdian differential cabinet was successfully displaced, the cable was withdrawn and re-layed, and the overall transformation project was completed.

04 Results

The way of thinking determines the way out, and the method determines the effect. After the improvement is completed, the motor starts up normally and the fan runs well. In order to ensure the improvement effect, the research team monitored the temperature of the cable, and after a period of follow-up observation, the temperature of the cable was always maintained between 23 °C and 26 °C, and the goal of tackling the key problems was successfully completed, and it was estimated that the benefit was about 1.5766 million yuan.

Actively explore new ideas for equipment maintenance and management, so that the ironmaking plant has added vitality to the group's work of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. The ironmaking plant will always adhere to the principle of not repairing what can be repaired, not purchasing what can be processed, not scrapping what can be reused, and not replacing what can be repaired, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, make full use of waste materials and equipment, turn waste into treasure, establish a sense of diligence and thrift in practice, and implement cost reduction and efficiency increase.

"The power of trickle-down can sink thousands of acres of clear blue", reducing costs and increasing efficiency is to formulate special governance plans for projects that have room and room for improvement, clarify the responsible persons, draw a roadmap, formulate a timetable, and fight on a wall chart, advance according to the table, and complete it within a limited time. Xinda people should continue to reduce costs with excellent technology, capture the hidden costs that have been ignored with a keen eye, continuously improve the level of refined management and cost control capabilities, and solidly support the high-quality development of Hebei Xinda Group through high-quality cost reduction and efficiency increase!