General manager send good news! Congratulations to Rongxin steel converter gas recovery index hit the best level in history!

"Do we have the confidence to continue to strive for a breakthrough?" 'Yes!

In April, the grass and trees sprout, the water city is warm in spring, and the production is in full swing here. A few days ago, An Bo, general manager of Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. came to the production site to send good news and awards for steel mills and energy and power plant, and encourage everyone to strive for excellence again.

The commendation conference was presided over by the director of the comprehensive office Zhou Panyin, and Li Shuangchao, deputy director of the production technology Department, informed the completion of the indicators of steel mills and energy and power plants. In March, the steel converter gas recovery reached 156.4 li/ton of steel, and the highest reached 167.2 Li/ton of steel, the best level since the innovation steel project was put into operation.

Pei Wenxiao, deputy minister of the human Resources Planning Department, said that the steel mill and the energy and power plant have completed good indicators in terms of independent management, proposal improvement, rationalization suggestions, and topic research. Steel mills for two consecutive months to obtain the standard innovation research advantage units, the preparation of patent work is also steadily advancing. It is hoped that on the existing basis, the two units will continue to work hard from the details, solidly carry out independent improvement and topic research, and strive to make greater breakthroughs.

Liu Guojun, director of the steel plant, Rong Lijiang, deputy director of the equipment, and the director of the relevant section reported the development of the converter gas recovery work. It is understood that in order to increase the amount of gas recovery and reduce the cost of billet production, the steelmaking plant has set up a research group to transform the gas pipeline. According to the actual situation, carefully sort out all the details of gas recovery, and formulate targeted measures to optimize the production organization and improve the operation parameters of the equipment such as staggered blowing of the converter and improving the speed of the fan. After the gas pipeline is put into use, the operation parameters of the gas recovery equipment are adjusted in time. At present, the overall gas recovery quantity has reached the domestic advanced level and the production cost of billet is reduced. Essentially improve the gas recovery capacity of steel mills, optimize the energy structure of the company, in order to improve the self-generating rate and reduce the comprehensive energy consumption has played a large basic support.

In the next step, the steel mill will take the cost as the center, take the quality as the premise, go all out to do a good job, and strive to promote every day and improve every month, and finally create an excellent team and strive for the best indicators of the same scale and conditions of the steel mill.

Yan Xuejun, Director of Energy and Power Plant, and Xu Shangtian, assistant director, reported specific measures for converter gas recovery. It is understood that the energy and power plant set up a research group, found that the converter gas cabinet door to 25,000 power plant inside and outside the pipeline is φ1000mm pipeline, the delivery volume is limited, the gas cabinet is in a high capacity state, after calculation, decided to increase a φ1200mm pipeline to increase the delivery volume. After reforming the gas pipeline of the converter, the flow rate of coal transfer increases obviously and the pressure difference decreases. Clean the 100MW coal transfer burner regularly, and pay attention to the change of coal transfer flow when the coal transfer regulating valve is fully opened to avoid the impact of the burner on the use of converter gas. Add cameras in the gas tank converter smelting process, understand the smelting process of steelmaking, prepare in advance when the oxygen gun is fired, and maximize the converter gas recovery. At the same time, it will be further combined with steel mills to improve the steam pressure and waste heat power generation efficiency.

As an affiliated production unit, the energy power plant will ensure a stable supply of energy media, constantly optimize power generation indicators, ensure stable power transformation, and strive to achieve the upstream level of the energy control industry.

General manager An Bo congratulated on the excellent achievements of the steel mill and the energy and power plant, and pointed out that the improvement of each data and indicators is hard-won. Steel mills, energy and power plant close communication and cooperation, in the process of improving the converter gas recovery, adhere to the system overall planning, the pursuit of ultimate energy efficiency, aiming at the whole process, the whole process, from the production, collection, delivery, use and other aspects, to achieve the full use of gas, help the company to reduce costs and increase efficiency work to achieve new results.

On the next work deployment, Anbo put forward four requirements: First, to further emancipate the mind and change the concept. "Go out, please come in", compared with benchmarking enterprises, combined with their own reality, to develop practical quantified energy consumption targets, in energy management, seriously practice the "comprehensive recovery, efficient use, system optimization, extreme energy efficiency, lowest cost, industry benchmark" work policy.

The second is to enhance the understanding and awareness of energy management. From a narrow point of view, save a drop of water, one degree of electricity, but also from a broad point of view, reduce energy consumption, improve energy efficiency, in order to achieve sustainable development and green development, from top to bottom change the understanding of energy management.

The third is to do the ultimate energy efficiency work. Further sorting out and optimizing energy management processes, standards and systems; Detailed quantified energy management objectives; Actively benchmarking and learning with brother units; The energy and power plant should compile the relevant requirements, meanings and categories of extreme energy efficiency to enhance the awareness of all cadres and employees; Optimize the energy structure; Strengthen the application of new materials, new equipment and new technologies; Strengthen the utilization of waste heat and energy.

Fourth, all units should continue to carry forward the team spirit. Maintain the spirit and momentum of innovation, responsibility, and fighting for the first, do the work to the extreme, and create a new situation of improving the entire energy management index and cost control.

Trickle does not stop, is for the river; Continuous flow, is for the struggle. Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., Ltd. will be ingritty perseverance, rock-solid strength, the blade inward, hard work, and continue to improve the level of fine production management, the standard to find the difference shrink the difference, steadily improve the quality of steel products and enterprise economic operation indicators, from "quantity accumulation" to "qualitative leap", comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, Write a new chapter of high quality development with pride!